Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bath Time

Every time we tell Aarilyn it's bath time she fights it. Then of course once she's in the bath it's nearly impossible to get her out. Tonight after bath time we had this conversation...

Aarilyn: "Mommy I'll tell you what I don't like about baths."

Me: "What?"

Aarilyn: "They're wet."

I completely expected her to say something like, "They take too long." This definitely threw me off, but she's right!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Put Your Socks On

This is typically what Aarilyn's feet look like when I tell her to go get some socks.
"Life is too short to waste time matching socks!"

Monday, January 14, 2013

Froot Loops and Barnacles

Aarilyn was munching on some Froot Loops after school when her puppy, Ivy, jumped up by her in hopes of snatching a few crumbs. Here's what she got instead:

Aarilyn: "Ivy, go away you dirty barnacle!"

I think someone's been watching a little too much Spongebob.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Upon picking Aarilyn up from school today she said:

"Ughh my legs hurt. I'm exhausted. I didn't sleep at all last night!"

I think she's heard her mommy say this one too many times! Lol.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Puppy or Evil Scientist?

Aarilyn and I were snuggling on the couch when out of nowhere this came up:

Aarilyn: "What if Ivy is really an evil scientist and she has a secret laboratory in our house and we don't even know because there's a secret code to get in to her laboratory?"

I started giggling because I had no idea where this came from, but she just went on and on about it and gave me all of the details on how this is possible. Her imagination is amazing!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Time Outs Aren't Just For Kids

All of a sudden Aarilyn comes running upstairs...

Aarilyn: "Mommy, Ivy chewed one of my toys!"

Me: "Ohh I'm sorry. That's why you need to make sure your toys are put away and your play room door is closed.

Aarilyn: "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Ivy really needs a time out."

She then proceeded to take Ivy to her cage and put her in a time out.